Cleanse house of negative energy
Go through each room, saying the prayer in each room
Go around all windows, doors, pictures, mirrors, vents, closets, under the bed...etc
Start on the top floor, northest room, work your way through each one, then next floor, then basement.
Open a window or door to let negative (smoke) leave - otherwise you are just stirring them up.
Do at least once a month - or as needed - The New Moon is the best time. Clearing out the old, making room for the new.
Positive energy and loved ones who have crossed over will stay.
This is what I say - you can use your own words and prayer. Say what feels right for YOU!!!
GOD, Angels, Spirit Guides, Please remove anything not meant for my (our) Highest Good, send it out the windows and doors to the recycled Universe. Please fill this room with Love, Light and Laughter, and things for our Highest Good!!!